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Articles on Pedal Magic at LinkedIn, published by inventor Reginald Joules

Link Summary (Excerpt from LinkedIn)
Beautiful Information in High School Physics Textbooks Hiding in Plain Sight Anyone with normal physical reflexes can be taught to ride a bicycle in 10 minutes if the coach knows a certain patented process for doing it. Even in as little as 2 minutes!

PROOF You don't need to know what's discussed in the article to teach your beginner to ride in 2-to-10 minutes. It’s included in the article so that physicists and engineers can verify the claim (many with such background have already used Pedal Magic Instant Bicycle Rider long ago to teach their kids and friends, and emailed us feedback; see pedalmagic.com/Feedbk2.HTM). Others may find explanation at https://lnkd.in/gHUWnuUd more helpful...

How in the World Did You Come Up With That?

Frequent question about Pedal Magic Instant Bicycle Rider is, “How did you get this idea? What made you think of it?” The human answer is that it was a combination of pain, heat, pressure, love, laziness, knowledge, and problem solving skills. The right answer is Divine Intervention.

In the article at LinkedIn Reginald explains why the laws of nature governing bicycle balancing and the scientific principles used in Pedal Magic make it impossible to beat Pedal Magic Instant Bicycle Rider without plagiarizing it.

Because most everything about bicycling has a binary nature...with or without Pedal Magic Instant Bicycle Rider, everyone learns bike riding in an instant. Does a customer want that instant when his/her non-rider becomes a rider to be random by trial and error, or does s/he want to totally control that instant as to when and where...

Confessions of an Inventor

Physics and [behavioral] psychology (laws of nature) and normal human reflex dictate that anyone can be taught to ride a bicycle in just one shot, in just 2 to 10 minutes.

Reginald has included two clips from the movie "The Founder" in this article. First clip shows the physical simulation the McDonald brothers used to design a process to slash order processing time from 30 minutes to 30 seconds. In the 1950's people were astonished to hear about and experience the revolutionary process reengineering Dick McDonald used to compress wait time.

Second clip shows how people acted/reacted during their first McDonald's experience. Not knowing how that could be possibe, they found it intriguing yet hard to believe, and disorienting.

This article also contains a link to Answers.com where the origin/history of training wheels is explained. You will be surprised.